Survey Reports

Reports on a wide range of topics and issues related to trade, foreign direct investment and international economic agreements.


Survey on Business Conditions of Japanese-Affiliated Companies


GlobalPDF file (1.02MB) December. 2024










Survey on the International Operations of Japanese Firms


Foreign Direct Investment

JETRO/ILO Joint Research

Under the project "Building Responsible Value Chains in Asia" funded by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), ILO Office for Japan and the Research & Analysis Department of JETRO conducted joint research on initiatives related to "human rights due diligence" to address risks of human rights violations in their own corporate activities and value chains, and on challenges and opportunities related to business and human rights.

In this project, we interviewed Japanese companies in the Bangladesh (the garment industry), Cambodia (the garment industry), Viet Nam (the garment and electronics industries), and Japan (the garment/ textile,electronics/ electronics parts, and automotive parts industries) about their initiatives and summarised the results in this research report. This report aims to promote decent work by systematically supporting the practice of enterprises’ compliance with relevant domestic laws and respect for international labour standards, and by promoting cooperation among government, workers, and employers to address structural challenges. This report will also provide support to companies, including Japanese companies and their business partners oversees in conducting human rights duediligence, and suggest a way forward and steps each relevant party can take to promote responsible business conduct.
Responsible Business Conduct and Human Rights Due Diligence:Good practices of Japanese Companies Operating in Bangladesh, Cambodia and Viet Nam, Trade, Investment and Labour Nexus and a Way ForwardPDF file(4.0MB)

Chapter 9 from this final report was summarized as "Responsible Business Conduct and Human Rights Due Dilligence: Good Practicies of Japanese Companies" with specific examples of corporate initiatives.
Responsible Business Conduct and Human Rights Due Diligence: Good Practices of Japanese CompaniesPDF file(2.5MB)
