Current Events

Collision 2024

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(Only in Japanese)

Generating Innovation with Japan 2024 in Montreal

GIJ Montréal: HealthTech 2024          

Date/Time: April 29-May 2, 2024         

JETRO to launch a Japanese Seafood Fair in Toronto!

Please click the icon below for details.
Looking forward to seeing you at the Japanese Seafood Fair in Toronto on March 11-17, 2024!

JETRO to launch a Japanese Seafood Fair in Vancouver!

Please click the icon below for details.
Looking forward to seeing you at the Japanese Seafood Fair in Vancouver on March 1-10, 2024!

Visit Waiting Area, West Wing (Street Level), Union Station (65 Front Street West, Toronto) between November 1st and 4th, from 11a.m. to 7p.m. and explore "Ekinaka," literally meaning “inside the station,” the vibrant Japan's iconic inner-station entertainment and retail pop-up.


Click the "NEXT STOP: JAPAN" icon below for details!
*Unfortunately, we are unable to answer any inquiries directly concerning this event. Please check the website regularly for any updated information. Thank you for your interest.


Thank you for coming and looking forward to seeing you at "Next Stop: Japan" on Nov 1-4!

JAPAN STORE pop-up will participate at Japan Festival CANADA in Mississauga, Ontario in two days on Saturday, August 19th and Sunday, August 20th, 2023


The ‘JAPAN STORE’ ( is a dedicated Amazon site opened on in the United States as a part of efforts to support sales channels for Japanese products and enabled Amazon customers more access to purchase authentic Japanese products. 

The JAPAN STORE will come alive during the Japan Festival in Mississauga. The visitors to the festival will have a chance to visit the booth to touch and experience selected products from the JAPAN STORE.

There will be 52 product samples from 25 companies from the JAPAN STORE, with various products from all categories such as yukata, tabi socks, tights, accessories, ukiyo-e prints, hanging scrolls, stuffed animals, toys, kitchenware, and more!

A product introduction card with a QR code is available for each product, and visitors can purchase online on the spot or check product information.

Japan Festival CANADA is one of the largest Japanese Cultural Event in North America and is held outside with the performance stage and booths. The stage performance offers both traditional and modern entertainment, Pop Culture stage performance as well as many booths that offer tasteful Japanese foods and many more experiences to enjoy Japanese culture in Canada.

After holding their Festival virtually in 2020 and 2021, they had a successful return to in-person festival with Japan Festival CANADA 2022. They are now once again in-person festival for Japan Festival CANADA 2023, running from Saturday, August 19th to Sunday, August 20th. More than 100,000 visitors had enjoyed the event last year in 2022 over the weekend. We expect to be even larger visitors this year.

The ‘JAPAN STORE’ ( on Amazon is excited to participate in this event and present a pop-up for the first time at the festival in CANADA! Please visit JAPAN STORE from here and visit the booth to experience the high-quality products at Japan Festival CANADA 2023!

For further information email:
Japan Festival CANADA 2023 Address: Mississauga Celebration Square
300 City Centre Dr, Mississauga, ON L5B 3C1
Event website:
Date/Time: Saturday, August 19th, 2023: 12:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Sunday, August 20th, 2023:    11:00 am - 6:00 pm

*Amazon is the trademark owned by, Inc. or its affiliates.

Collision 2023

Eight leading Japanese startups will participate in Collision 2023 ( looking to identify and meet new partners, investors and customers in North America and globally. They will showcase advanced technologies and new business models in the fields of AI, 3D mapping, satellite data, cyber-security, surveillance, fintech, brand-building, and Wifi for developing nations.

We would like to extend B2B opportunities with the delegation members to some of our key contacts outside of the scope Collision as well. This is a unique chance to find innovative Japanese technologies and partners, so we urge you to take advantage of this programme.

Please click here for further information in Japanese.

Generating Innovation with Japan Series

Major Japanese firms, from manufacturing to finance to services in a whole variety of sectors, are increasingly looking to identify new innovation from Canadian start-ups in order to improve their business practices and to introduce new ideas and technology into the Japanese market and to their network of global clients.

For start-ups, the Japanese market (GDP: approx US$5 trillion; Pop.: 125 million) can be daunting but potentially hugely rewarding. One of the best ways to enter that market is through partnering with Japanese firms.

This series of events will provide unique opportunities for Canadian start-ups and major Japanese firms to connect and share information. Through reverse-pitch presentations, Japanese firms will explain about their technology needs and, during the networking session and follow-up meetings, Canadian start-ups can explain about their technology solutions.

Through this series of partnering sessions across Canada, JETRO aims to generate new innovation through partnerships between leading Japanese firms and innovative Canadian start-ups.




GIJ Montréal: HealthTech 2024          

Date/Time: April 29 - May 2, 2024         

Canada - Net Zero

Date/Time: March 2023             

Venue:        Online         

Canada's Innovation Ecosystem &How to Find Innovative Canadian Start-ups

カナダのイノベーションエコシステム &イノベーティブなカナダスタートアップの発掘方法

詳細はこちらから 外部サイトへ、新しいウィンドウで開きます

Quebec 2022                                             

Date/Time: March 2022
Venue:        Online         

Event Details

British Columbia 2021  HealthTech                      
Date/Time: March 9th, 2021
Venue:        Online         

Halifax 2020  OceanTech

Date/Time:  December 7th-10th                                

Venue:        Online
Event Details

Ontario 2020  Sogo Shosha                                       

Date/Time: November 19th, 2020 (15:00-17:00 (EST)|13:00-15:00 (MST)|12:00-14:00 (PST)) 
Venue:         Online

Event Details

Toronto 2020  HealthTech

Date/Time: February 20th, 2020 (8:30 am - 3:30 pm)    
Venue:         ONRamp at University of Toronto Entrepreneurship, Banting Institute

Ottawa 2019

Date/Time: November 6th, 2019 (10:30 am - 1:15 pm)  
Venue:         Bayview Yard

Edmonton 2019

Date/Time: March 6th, 2019 (11:00 am - 1:30 pm)         
Venue:         Startup Edmonton

Vancouver 2019

Date/Time: March 5th, 2019 (11:00 am - 1:30 pm)         
Venue:        SFU's Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue

Toronto 2018

Date/Time: December 11th, 2018 (2:00 pm - 5:00 pm)   
Venue:         OneEleven

Kitchener / Waterloo 2018

Date/Time: December 10th, 2018 (2:30 pm - 5:00 pm)    
Venue:         Communitech

Montreal 2018

Date/Time:  September 27, 2018 (4:00 pm - 6:00 pm)     

Venue:         CEIM (Centre d’entreprises et d’innovation de Montréal)