大分県の蔵元紹介 Invitation to Oita Breweries清酒の製造工程 Seisyu (Japanese sake) Making Process


  1. 精米
  2. 蒸米
  3. 製麹
  4. 酒母
  5. もろみ
  6. 上槽
  7. ろ過
  8. 火入れ
  9. びん詰

Seishu(Japanese sake) Making Process

  1. Rice polishing
    (Grains of brown rice are carefully selected for sake-making are polished until they are four times the whiteness of regular rice.)
  2. Rice steaming
    (Rice is rinsed to let the grains soak up sufficient water and are then cooked in a steamer.)
  3. Koji(rice malt) making
    (Koji seeds are sprinkled over the steamed rice in the koji-making chamber to grow sake mold.)
  4. Sake mash
    (Strong yeast is used to cultivate fermented moromi(mash) in the sake mash tank.)
  5. Moromi
    (Saccharified koji and sake mash are fermented at about 15℃ for 20 to 25 days in order to produce alcohol in the moromi tank.)
  6. Pressing
    (Sake mash is pressed in the mill to separate the sake from the sake lees.)
  7. Filtration
    (The brew is filtered to remove sediment.)
  8. Pasteurization
    (Sake is pasteurized at 60 to 70℃ to halt yeast activity and to stabilize the quality.)
  9. Bottling
    (As the sake is bottled, the bottles are heat-sterilized and labelled for distribution.)
