JETRO Invest Japan Report 2022
Chapter2. Business Operations of Foreign-affiliated Companies in Japan
Section1. Outline of Foreign-affiliated Companies

1. Survey on Business Operations of Foreign-affiliated Companies in Japan

This questionnaire survey was administered to 6,582 foreign-affiliated companies in Japan during the period from September to October 2021, receiving responses from 1,315 companies (valid response rate: 20.0%).

Regarding the industry breakdown of respondents, 15.0% were in manufacturing, 38.6% in wholesale trade/general trade, 3.8% in retail trade, and 30.3% in services and others. By country/region of the foreign parent company, Europe accounted for 39.8%, Asia for 34.0%, and North America for 21.2% (Chart 2-1).

Chart 2-1: Overview of Responded Companies 1
New Analysis
Industry of foreign parent companies n Propotion(%)
Manufacturing 197 15.0
Wholesale trade/general trade 507 38.6
Retail trade 50 3.8
Services and others 398 30.3
Chart 2-1: Overview of Responded Companies 2
New Analysis
Industry of foreign parent companies n Propotion(%)
Large enterprises 61 4.6
Small and medium-sized enterprises 1,088 82.7
Chart 2-1: Overview of Responded Companies 3
New Analysis
Country/region of the foreign parent company n Propotion(%)
North America 279 21.2
Hierarchy level 2 itemsUSA 264 20.1
Hierarchy level 2 itemsCanada 15 1.1
Asia 447 34.0
Hierarchy level 2 itemsChina 135 10.3
Hierarchy level 2 itemsTaiwan 84 6.4
Hierarchy level 2 itemsKorea 81 6.2
Hierarchy level 2 itemsHong Kong 75 5.7
Hierarchy level 2 itemsSingapore 42 3.2
Hierarchy level 2 itemsOther Asia 30 2.3
Europe 523 39.8
Hierarchy level 2 itemsGermany 167 12.7
Hierarchy level 2 itemsFrance 82 6.2
Hierarchy level 2 itemsUnited Kingdom 70 5.3
Hierarchy level 2 itemsSwitzerland 50 3.8
Hierarchy level 2 itemsNetherlands 33 2.5
Hierarchy level 2 itemsOther Europe 121 9.2
Others 41 3.1

2. Foreign Parent Companies Breakdown by Share Ownership, Country and Region

According to the survey on the ownership by foreign parent company, 68.1% of the respondents were 100% foreign-owned. By industry, 31.6% of the “retail trade” companies have an ownership ratio of over 50% to less than 100%, including many joint ventures (Chart 2-2). New Analysis

Looking at the countries and regions of foreign parent companies by the year of establishment/investment in Japan, the number of entries from Asia has increased significantly since 2001 (Chart 2-3).

Chart 2-2: Ownership Ratio of Foreign Parent Company (Unit: # of companies, %) New Analysis
Industry n= 1/3 or less Over 1/3 and less than 50% 50% Over 50% and less than 100% 100% No answer
Total 1,315 3.3 2.4 2.7 13.1 68.1 10.3
Manufacturing 670 2.7 2.5 2.7 12.8 71.6 7.6
Wholesale trade / general trade 115 5.2 1.7 4.3 9.6 66.1 13.0
Retail trade 19 5.3 5.3 31.6 47.4 10.5
Service and others 392 3.8 2.8 2.6 14.5 66.8 9.4
Chart 2-3: Year of Establishment/investment and Country/region of Foreign Parent Company

3. Industry Breakdown of Foreign Parent Companies and Foreign-affiliated Companies in Japan New Analysis

Looking at the industries of foreign parent companies, “manufacturing” accounted for the largest number of 670 companies (51.0% of the total), followed by “services and others” with 392 companies (29.8%), “wholesale trade/general trade” with 115 companies (8.7%), and retail trade with 19 companies (1.4%) (vertical axis in Chart 2-4).

57.3% of respondents have been established in Japan as wholesale trade/general trade companies, even if the foreign parent company is in the manufacturing industry (horizontal axis in Chart 2-4).

Chart 2-4: Industry Breakdown of Foreign Parent Companies and Foreign-affiliated Companies in Japan New Analysis

4. Size of Foreign-affiliated Companies in Japan New Analysis

The following are the survey results on the capitalization and the number of employees of the foreign-affiliated companies in Japan.

In terms of capital size, “over 5 million to 10 million yen” accounted for 21.9%, and “over 50 million to 100 million yen” for 20.6% of the total. Capital stock is relatively large among “manufacturing” and “retail trade” (Chart 2-5).

As for the number of employees, 82.7% of the total respondents have 50 or less, and 92.3% of “wholesale trade/general trade” have 50 or less (Chart 2-6).

Chart 2-5: Capital Size of Foreign-affiliated Companies in Japan New Analysis
Chart 2-6: Number of Employees of Foreign-affiliated Companies in Japan New Analysis

5. Business Performance of Foreign-affiliated Companies in Japan

The following are the survey results on the sales and changes in sales of the foreign-affiliated companies in Japan.

In terms of sales, “from 100 million yen to 500 million yen” was the most common range recorded by 26.1% of the respondents.

Regarding year-on-year increase/decrease in sales, "decrease of 10% or more" was the most common response at 27.5%, while "flat" and "increase of 10% or more" accounted for 21.9% and 21.4%, respectively, all above 20% range showing dispersed distribution (Chart 2-8).

Chart 2-7: Sales of Foreign-affiliated Companies in Japan
Chart 2-8: Increase/decrease in Sales of Foreign-affiliated Companies in Japan






