

JETRO Yamanashi has produced a video promoting Yamanashi’s Shine Muscat grapes in cooperation with Yamanashi Prefecture and representatives of Miss International Japan and Hong Kong as part of JETRO’s influencer project.
Kiko Matsuo, a representative of Japan, visited Yamanashi Prefecture, and introduces the farmer's passion and arranged dishes using Shine Muscat grapes. Rosemary Ling, a representative of Hong Kong, expresses a daily life with Shine Muscat grapes.
We hope that you will find attractive Yamanashi Prefecture, the largest grape producer in Japan.

山梨が育む『緑の宝石』シャインマスカット-Fruit Gem in Yamanashi-

匠の想い、生産の現場から-Fruit Gem × Craftsman’s Passion-

シャインマスカットで日常を華やかに-Stylish life with Shine Muscat-

Yamanashi Shine Muscat × Life in Hong Kong