Section 2. Visas and Status of Residence

2.10 Extension of period of stay and change of status of residence

2.10.1 Extension of period of stay

The period of stay is determined together with the status of residence when the foreign national lands in Japan or changes his/her status of residence, and the foreign national may only reside in Japan for this stipulated period of stay.

Consequently, a foreign national wishing to continue the same activities in Japan with his/her present status of residence beyond this stipulated period of stay must apply for permission to extend the period of stay no later than the last day of that period of stay. Extensions will not be permitted if the purpose of the stay has already been completed or there are other problems connected with the status of residence.

Applications for extension of period of stay are basically accepted from three months before the expiration of the period of stay if the period of stay is six months or more.

If a foreign national who has applied for permission for an extension of period of stay does not receive the results before the expiration date of the period of stay, he or she may continue to stay in Japan with the status of residence then in force for two months from the expiration date of the period of stay or until the decision of the results, whichever comes earlier. If two months have elapsed since the expiration date of the period of stay without any measures being taken, the foreign national will be unable to stay in Japan.

If the status of residence is a temporary visitor status, extensions will, in principle, be granted only when there is a truly excusable circumstance from the standpoint of humanity or a comparable special circumstance. However, under the visa exemption agreement, nationals from Ireland, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Liechtenstein, the United Kingdom, and Mexico may stay for more than 90 days and stay up to 6 months if permitted by the procedures for extension of period of stay at the Regional Immigration Bureau before the expiration of the period of stay.

Regarding period of stay, please refer to the following web site,

2.10.2 Change of status of residence

A foreigner residing in Japan who wishes to cease the activities in which he/she is currently engaged and to engage exclusively in activities belonging to a status of residence other than that which he/she presently holds must apply and receive permission for a change of status of residence. For example, a foreign national dispatched from a parent company in a foreign country to a subsidiary in Japan and currently residing in Japan on an "Intra-company Transferee" status of residence who wishes to resign from the company to which he is dispatched and to invest in and operate his own company needs to apply and receive permission for a change to "Business Manager" status of residence.

However, applications for a change in status of residence are not automatically approved, and permission will not be granted if the new activities do not correspond to the requirements and criteria of the status of residence sought. A foreign national residing in Japan on a temporary visitor status will not be permitted to change his/her status of residence unless the application is made based on special and unavoidable circumstance.

If a foreign national who has applied for permission to change his or her status of residence does not receive the results by the expiration date of his or her period of stay, he or she may continue to stay in Japan with the status then in force for two months from the expiration date of the period of stay or until the decision of the results, whichever comes earlier. If two months have elapsed since the expiration date of the period of stay without any measures being taken, the foreign national will be unable to stay in Japan.

Please refer to the following website for procedures for changing the status of residence.

Laws and Regulations on Setting Up Business in Japan Pamphlet

The pamphlet "Laws & Regulations" is available in PDF, and outlines basic information about laws, regulations and procedures related to setting up a business in Japan. It is available in 8 languages (Japanese, English, German, French, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Korean and Vietnamese).
You can download via the "Request Form" button below.

Section2. Documents businesses are required to submit to authorities

Section Documents Where documents are listed within the URL The competent authorities and relevant web pages
2.4.2 Application for a Certificate of Eligibility (Business Manager)External site: a new window will open Please click the Language selection panel and choose your language.
See Application for Certificate of Eligibility ⇒ Documents to be submitted.
Immigration Services AgencyExternal site: a new window will open
2.4.2 Application for a Certificate of Eligibility (Highly Skilled Professionals)External site: a new window will open Please click the Language selection panel and choose your language.
See 2 Regarding application documents, etc.
Immigration Services AgencyExternal site: a new window will open
2.4.2 Application for a Certificate of Eligibility (Engineer / Specialist in Humanities / International Services)External site: a new window will open Please click the Language selection panel and choose your language.
See Application for Certificate of Eligibility ⇒ Documents to be submitted.
Immigration Services AgencyExternal site: a new window will open
2.4.2 Application for a Certificate of Eligibility (Intra-company Transferee)External site: a new window will open Please click the Language selection panel and choose your language.
See Application for Certificate of Eligibility ⇒ Documents to be submitted.
Immigration Services AgencyExternal site: a new window will open
2.4.2 Application for a Certificate of Eligibility (Legal / Accounting services)External site: a new window will open Please click the Language selection panel and choose your language.
See Application for Certificate of Eligibility ⇒ Documents to be submitted.
Immigration Services AgencyExternal site: a new window will open
2.4.2 Application for a Certificate of Eligibility (Skilled Labor)External site: a new window will open Please click the Language selection panel and choose your language.
See "When attempting to engage in activities as a chef" or "When attempting to engage in activities other than being a chef" ⇒ Application for Certificate of Eligibility ⇒ Documents to be submitted.
Immigration Services AgencyExternal site: a new window will open
2.4.2 Application for a Certificate of Eligibility (Specified Skilled Worker)External site: a new window will open Please click the Language selection panel and choose your language.
See Application for Certificate of Eligibility.
Immigration Services AgencyExternal site: a new window will open
2.4.3 Visa application form to enter JapanExternal site: a new window will open See Visa application form in Chapter 3. ⇒Visa Application Documents (download)/
See format.
Ministry of Foreign AffairsExternal site: a new window will open
2.7.5 Notification of a change of an item on the residence cardExternal site: a new window will open See Format Immigration Services AgencyExternal site: a new window will open
2.7.5 Application for extension of the valid period on the residence cardExternal site: a new window will open See Format Immigration Services AgencyExternal site: a new window will open
2.7.5 Application for re-issuance of a residence cardExternal site: a new window will open See Format Immigration Services AgencyExternal site: a new window will open
2.7.8 (1) Notification of affiliated (contracting) organization (Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services)External site: a new window will open Please click the Language selection panel and choose your language.
See Notification form reference form 1 to 4.
Immigration Services AgencyExternal site: a new window will open
2.7.8 (1) Notification of affiliated (activity) organization (Intra-company Transferee or Business Manager)External site: a new window will open Please click the Language selection panel and choose your language.
See Notification form reference form 1 to 4.
Immigration Services AgencyExternal site: a new window will open
2.7.8 (2) Notification of relationship with spouse (divorce/death)External site: a new window will open Please click the Language selection panel and choose your language.
See Notification form reference form.
Immigration Services AgencyExternal site: a new window will open
2.8.4 Application for re-entry permissionExternal site: a new window will open Please click the Language selection panel and choose your language.
See Application form/required documents, etc.
Immigration Services AgencyExternal site: a new window will open
2.9 Application form for issuance of a Certificate of Eligibility (Dependent)External site: a new window will open Please click the Language selection panel and choose your language.
See Application for Certificate of Eligibility.
Immigration Services AgencyExternal site: a new window will open
2.9 Application for permission to engage in activity other than that permitted under the status of residence previously grantedExternal site: a new window will open Please click the Language selection panel and choose your language.
See Application form/required documents/number of copies.
Immigration Services AgencyExternal site: a new window will open
2.10.1 Application for extension of period of stay (Intra-company Transferee)External site: a new window will open Please click the Language selection panel and choose your language.
See Application form for extension of period of stay ⇒ Documents to be submitted.
Immigration Services AgencyExternal site: a new window will open
2.10.1 Application for extension of period of stay (Business Manager)External site: a new window will open Please click the Language selection panel and choose your language.
See Application form for extension of period of stay ⇒ Documents to be submitted.
Immigration Services AgencyExternal site: a new window will open
2.10.1 Application for extension of period of stay (Engineer / Specialist in Humanities / International Services)External site: a new window will open Please click the Language selection panel and choose your language.
See Application form for extension of period of stay ⇒ Documents to be submitted.
Immigration Services AgencyExternal site: a new window will open
2.10.2 Application for change of status of residence (Intra-company Transferee)External site: a new window will open Please click the Language selection panel and choose your language.
See Application for permission to change status of residence ⇒ Documents to be submitted.
Immigration Services AgencyExternal site: a new window will open
2.10.2 Application for change of status of residence (Business Manager)External site: a new window will open Please click the Language selection panel and choose your language.
See Application for permission to change status of residence ⇒ Documents to be submitted.
Immigration Services AgencyExternal site: a new window will open
2.10.2 Application for change of status of residence (Engineer / Specialist in Humanities / International Services)External site: a new window will open Please click the Language selection panel and choose your language.
See Application for permission to change status of residence ⇒ Documents to be submitted.
Immigration Services AgencyExternal site: a new window will open

Materials listed as ‘Reference’ contain samples of documents regarding registration, visa, taxation, personnel and labor matters that are necessary when a foreign company establishes a corporation or other entity in Japan. These documents are not published by competent authorities and therefore are not official. For those who are going through the official procedures, please obtain the latest official documents from the competent authorities and related bodies or consult a person who specializes in advising on such information and procedures.

The information contained in this documents should be used at the reader’s independent discretion. While JETRO makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information it provides, no responsibility is accepted by JETRO for any loss or damage incurred as a result of actions based on the information provided in these documents or provided by the external links listed on these pages.

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