Impulse Japan: How to make your market entry in Japan a success (Zurich seminar, Mar. 7)

Mar 07, 2019

JETRO, in collaboration with S-GE and the SJCC, is pleased to inform you about the following event:

“Impulse Event: Japan” How to make your market entry in Japan a success"

Date and Time: Thursday, March 7th, 2019 14:30-18:20 (followed by a networking cocktail)

Place: Forum St. Peter, St. Peterstrasse 19, CH-8001 Zurich

Event language : English


Cost of participating: S-GE, JETRO and SJCC Members: free

Non-Members: CHF 60.- 



14:00 – 14:30 ǀ Check-in and Welcome Coffee


ǀ Opening Remarks

Ms. Jacqueline Tschumi, Consultant Japan + South Korea, Switzerland Global Enterprise

Mr. Martin Herb, President, Swiss - Japanese Chamber of Commerce


ǀ Business Environment in Japan

Mr. Takashi Wada, Director General, JETRO Geneva


ǀ The EU - Japan EPA, and its impact on Swiss companies

The EU - Japan EPA
Mr. Luis Portero, Policy Coordinator of Trade Relations with Japan, DG Trade, European Commission
Mr. Hiro Inoue, Director General, JETRO Brussels

The impact on Swiss companies
Ambassador Markus Schlagenhof, Delegate of the Federal Council for Trade Agreements, State Secretariat for Economic Affairs

Mr. Simeon L. Probst, Partner, Customs, Trade and Indirect Taxes, PricewaterhouseCoopers
Moderation: Mr. Dominique Ursprung, Managing Director, Swiss - Japanese Chamber of Commerce


ǀ Coffee Break


ǀ ICT Industry in Japan: An overview

Dr. Uwe Neumann, Senior Equity Analyst, Technology + Telecom, Credit Suisse AG

Ms. Rebecca Woywod, CEO, ict factory GmbH


ǀ Why and how to set up a subsidiary in Japan

Mr. Ricardo Rodriguez, International Sales Manager, Fischer Connectors

Moderation: Ms. Jacqueline Tschumi, Consultant Japan + South Korea, Switzerland Global Enterprise


ǀ Case Study - tba


ǀ S-GE, SBHJ and JETRO Services

Ms. Jacqueline Tschumi, Consultant Japan + South Korea, Switzerland Global Enterprise

Ms. Yumiko Kijima, Deputy Head, Swiss Business Hub Japan

Mr. Takashi Wada, Director General, JETRO Geneva


ǀ Closing Remarks

Ms. Jacqueline Tschumi, Consultant Japan + South Korea, Switzerland Global Enterprise


ǀ Networking Cocktail