Section 3. Taxes in Japan

3.7 Overview of individual tax system

All individuals, regardless of nationality, are classified as either residents or non-residents. Individual income tax will be levied on the individual's income for the calendar year.

3.7.1 Concept of residence and taxable income

  1. (1)


    Persons having a domicile in Japan*1 and persons having a residence in Japan*2 for one year or more are termed residents. The worldwide income of residents, regardless of the location of the source of income, is subject to income tax.

    1. *1

      “Domicile” as used in (1) above refers to the principal base and center of one’s life. “Residence” refers to a location in which an individual continually resides for a certain time but which does not qualify as a base and center of his/her life.

    2. *2

      Non-permanent residents: Residents having no Japanese citizenship and having a domicile or residence in Japan for five years or less within the period of ten years are non-permanent residents. The scope of taxation for non-permanent residents corresponds to that for residents, but tax will not be assessed in Japan on income sourced outside Japan as long as that income is not paid within Japan or is not remitted to Japan. However, the salary paid based on the work in Japan is applicable to domestic-sourced income even if it is paid outside Japan, and income tax will be assessed summing the salary paid within and outside Japan. However, there are cases where a different treatment is applied due to tax treaties.

  2. (2)


    Persons not qualifying as residents are termed non-residents. Japanese income tax for non-residents will be assessed on income sourced within Japan. As described in 3.4.4 above, the scope of taxable income for withholding tax on non-residents is covered under the provisions for domestic-sourced income, so, except in special cases, taxation for non-residents is now more commonly completed only through withholding at source procedures.

(Table 3-6) Scope of personal taxable income
Type of residence / Category of income Income other than foreign-sourced income Foreign-sourced income
Paid within Japan Paid outside Japan Paid within Japan Paid outside Japan
Remitted to Japan Other
(Permanent residents)
Taxable Taxable Taxable Taxable Taxable
(Non-permanent residents)
Taxable Taxable Taxable Taxable Non-taxable
Non-residents Taxable Taxable Non-taxable Non-taxable Non-taxable

3.7.2 Self-assessed income tax

  1. (1)

    Self-assessed income tax on residents

    Income is calculated using methods established for each of a number of income classifications. The tax is calculated by subtracting the various income deductions from the total amount of income and then multiplying the difference, which is the amount of taxable income, by the progressive tax rates below. Any withholding income tax levied on the income beforehand will be deducted from the calculated tax.

  2. (2)

    Self-assessed income tax on non-residents

    Non-residents are classified by their circumstances into non-residents who have a permanent establishment (PE) ((a) non-residents having an office, etc., in Japan, (b) non-residents continuously engaged in construction or assembly in Japan for one year or more, or (c) doing business through a designated agent in Japan) and to non-residents who do not have a PE.
    In case PE is defined differently in tax treaty, tax treaty definition shall prevail.

    Taxable income is calculated within the scope of income established for each classification. In the method of taxation for non-residents, income tax becomes taxable by dividing income into income attributable to PE and other domestic source income depending on the existence of PE. The amount of self-assessed income tax levied on non-residents is, as a rule, calculated in the same manner as for residents (subject to differences in the treatment such as the limit amounts of applicable income deductions and foreign tax deductions). Non-residents who earn salary income paid for services provided in Japan and not deemed subject to withholding tax in Japan must file a return and pay a 20.42% tax on the total amount of that salary.

  3. (3)

    The tax rates for self-assessed income tax on individual income (in the case of residents and of aggregate taxation of non-residents) are as shown below.

(Table 3-7) Individual income tax rates
Brackets of taxable income Tax rates
--- Up to 1,950,000 yen 5%
Over 1,950,000 yen Up to 3,300,000 yen 10%
Over 3,300,000 yen Up to 6,950,000 yen 20%
Over 6,950,000 yen Up to 9,000,000 yen 23%
Over 9,000,000 yen Up to 18,000,000 yen 33%
Over 18,000,000 yen Up to 40,000,000 yen 40%
Over 40,000,000 yen --- 45%
  1. (4)

    Income tax on employment income is calculated based on the amount obtained by deducting the following employment income deductions from income.

(Table 3-8) Employment income deductions (Applied to employment income in FY2020 and after)
Employment income Employment income deductions
Up to 1,625,000 yen 550,000 yen
Over 1,625,000 yen Up to 1,800,000 yen (employment income) x 40% - 100,000 yen
Over 1,800,000 yen Up to 3,600,000 yen (employment income) x 30% + 80,000 yen
Over 3,600,000 yen Up to 6,600,000 yen (employment income) x 20% + 440,000 yen
Over 6,600,000 yen Up to 8,500,000 yen (employment income) x 10% + 1,100,000 yen
Over 8,500,000 yen 1,950,000 yen
  1. (5)

    Various income deductions can be further deducted from the total amount of income. There are 15 types of income deductions as follows:

    Deduction for casualty losses, deduction for medical expenses, deduction for social security premiums, deduction for small enterprise mutual aid premiums and similar payments, deduction for life insurance premiums, deduction for earthquake insurance premiums, deduction for donations, exemption for persons with disabilities, exemption for widows (widowers), exemption for single parents, exemption for working students, exemption for spouses, special exemption for spouses, exemption for dependents, and basic exemption. Each of them can be deducted if the requirements are met, but please note that “overseas resident relatives” who are eligible for the exemption for dependents require documents proving the relationship of relatives and remittance of money, etc.

3.7.3 Withholding income tax

The withholding income tax for residents and non-residents is as described in 3.4.2 and 3.4.4.

3.7.4 Filing and payment

Residents must submit an income tax return for the income earned each year, except when tax payment procedures have been completed through withholding at source, and must pay the tax owed between February 16 and March 15 of the following year. Persons whose total income does not exceed total deductions and persons who receive salary income subject to withholding tax at source (year-end adjustment) from only one payer not exceeding 20 million yen in that year and who have no other income exceeding 200,000 yen do not, as a rule, need to file a return.

As a rule, non-residents file and pay taxes following the same regulations as residents. However, non-residents leaving Japan without reporting the designation of a tax agent to the director of the taxation office must submit an income tax return and pay the tax owed prior to leaving Japan.

3.7.5 Restoration income surtax

From January 1, 2013, to December 31, 2037, individuals and corporations will be subject to a 2.1% restoration income surtax on the amount of their income tax. In case of tax withholding at source, the 2.1 % restoration income surtax will also be levied on the amount of withholding tax on income and collected together with the income tax. For example, the tax rate for withholding tax on interest paid to a foreign corporation is 20%, to which the restoration income surtax (20% x 2.1%) will be added, resulting in a total 20.42% tax withheld at source.

Note that a restoration income surtax is not levied where the withholding tax rate provided for under domestic law is reduced or eliminated by tax treaty.

3.7.6 Individual inhabitant taxes, individual enterprise tax

"Individual inhabitant taxes" is the collective term for prefectural tax and municipal tax on individual income, and persons having a domicile etc. in Japan as of January 1 each year are subject to these taxes. Individual inhabitant taxes consist of an income-graded component and a flat-rate (fixed amount) component etc. The income-graded component is assessed on income for the preceding year and, except in special cases, taxable income for these taxes is calculated in accordance with the provisions for calculating income for income tax purposes. Individual inhabitant tax returns must be filed by March 15, but persons submitting self-assessed income tax returns do not have to file again for individual inhabitant tax. The standard rates of individual inhabitant taxes for the income-graded component are as shown below.

(Table 3-9) Standard rates of individual inhabitant tax(income-graded component)
Prefectural tax rate Uniform rate 4%
Municipal tax rate Uniform rate 6%
  1. (Note)

    The standard rate of tax for the flat-rate component is 1,000 yen for prefectural inhabitant tax and 3,000 yen for municipal inhabitant tax, but these rates were respectively 1,500 yen and 3,500 yen for 10 years from 2014 to 2023 based on the Basic Act on Reconstruction in Response to the Great East Japan Earthquake. From 2024 onward, the same amount will continue to be levied as forest environment tax based on the Act on Forest Environment Tax and Forest Environment Transfer Tax.
    Tax rates may differ from the standard tax rate depending on the local government concerned.

Individuals engaged in certain businesses specified in local tax laws must pay enterprise taxes. Taxable income for enterprise tax purposes is generally calculated in accordance with the provisions for calculating income for income tax purposes, except where special stipulations apply. Returns must be filed by March 15, and taxes must be paid in August and November in accordance with tax notices issued by the prefectural government. Individual enterprise tax rates range from 3% to 5%, depending on the type of business.

3.7.7 Inheritance tax and gift tax

  1. (1)

    Taxpayers and scope of taxable properties

(Table 3-10) Inheritance & gift taxpayers and scope of taxable properties
a. Address in Japan (Heir/Devisee or Legatee)
(person who gave properties)
Heir/Devisee or Legatee/Donee
(person who received properties)
Address in Japan Address in Japan
Temporary resident *1
Address in Japan Both domestic and foreign properties are taxable Both domestic and foreign properties are taxable
Address in Japan Foreigner decedent / donor *2 Both domestic and foreign properties are taxable Only domestic properties are taxable
No address in Japan,
but had an address in Japan within the preceding 10 years(and has a Japanese nationality)
Both domestic and foreign properties are taxable Both domestic and foreign properties are taxable
No address in Japan Both domestic and foreign properties are taxable Only domestic properties are taxable
b. No address in Japan (Heir/Devisee or Legatee)
(person who gave properties)
Heir/Devisee or Legatee/Donee
(person who received properties)
No address in Japan
Japanese nationality
Address in Japan within the prior 10 years
No address in Japan
Japanese nationality
No address in Japan over the prior 10 years or more
No address in Japan
No Japanese nationality
Address in Japan Both domestic and foreign properties are taxable Both domestic and foreign properties are taxable Both domestic and foreign properties are taxable
Address in Japan
Foreigner decedent / donor *2
Both domestic and foreign properties are taxable Only domestic properties are taxable Only domestic properties are taxable
No address in Japan
Address in Japan within the preceding 10 years (and has a Japanese nationality)
Both domestic and foreign properties are taxable Both domestic and foreign properties are taxable Both domestic and foreign properties are taxable*3
No address in Japan
Address in Japan within the preceding 10 years
Both domestic and foreign properties are taxable Only domestic properties are taxable Only domestic properties are taxable
No address in Japan Both domestic and foreign properties are taxable Only domestic properties are taxable Only domestic properties are taxable
  1. (Note)

    Shaded areas in the table signify that both domestic and foreign properties are taxable and white areas signify that only domestic properties are taxable.

  2. *1

    Those qualified for status of residence according to Appended Table I of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act and have an address in Japan for less than 10 years in the past 15 years.

  3. *2

    Those with status of residence at the commencement of inheritance and an address in Japan. Duration of residence in Japan is not questioned.

Hereinafter, a decedent and/or donor is called “a person who gave properties” and an heir, devisee, legatee and/or donee is called “a person who received properties”.

  1. (2)

    When expatriates received properties by inheritance/gift while in Japan

    If a person has an address in Japan at the time of inheritance/gift, the person who received the properties is an inheritance and gift taxpayer. In this case, regardless of the nationality of the person who received the properties and the address of the person who gave the properties, all of the properties acquired are taxable. In other words, not only properties located in Japan but also properties located outside the country are subject to inheritance/gift tax.
    However, if an expatriate is a non-permanent resident (who has status of residence and has had an address in Japan for an aggregate period of 10 years or less within 15 years preceding the commencement of inheritance) and has acquired propertiesy outside Japan by inheritance and so on from their family living in their home country, or has received properties from a foreigner decedent or donor (who has status of residence and an address in Japan), only domestic properties are taxable.

  2. (3)

    When expatriates passed away or gave a gift while in Japan

    When a foreign resident acquired a property by inheritance and so on from an expatriate in Japan, if the address of the person who gave the properties at the time of giving the properties was in Japan, all of the properties acquired are subject to tax, regardless of the nationality of the person who received the properties. In other words, it is noteworthy that not only properties located in Japan but also properties located outside the country are subject to the inheritance/gift tax. However, when the expatriate is a temporary resident (who had status of residence and an address in Japan) and if the person receiving the properties lives outside Japan and does not have a Japanese nationality (or has a Japanese nationality but has not had an address in Japan for 10 years or more), only domestic properties are taxable. Also, if a person who has received the properties lives in Japan but is a non-permanent resident (who has status of residence and has had an address in Japan for an aggregate period of 10 years or less within 15 years preceding the commencement of inheritance), only domestic properties are taxable.

  3. (4)

    After expatriates have returned home on completion of their business in Japan

    When neither the person who gave the properties nor the person who received the properties has an address in Japan, only the properties located in Japan are subject to inheritance/gift tax. However, if the person who gave the properties or the person who received the properties had a Japanese nationality and an address in Japan within 10 years preceding the inheritance/gift, not only the properties located in Japan but also the properties located outside the country are subject to inheritance/gift tax.

  4. (5)

    Tax rates of inheritance tax and gift tax

    The rates are between 10% to 55% for both the inheritance tax and gift tax, but there is a difference between the inheritance tax and the gift tax in the taxable amount each tax rate is applied.

  5. (6)

    Foreign tax credits

    If a person who has acquired a property located outside Japan by inheritance or gift and the property is subject to a tax corresponding to the inheritance/gift tax in the country where the property is located (for gift tax, including the cases where the tax is imposed on the person who gave the property), a certain amount of the tax imposed in the foreign country will be credited against the inheritance/gift tax in Japan by the provisions of the foreign tax credits to avoid double taxation.

Laws and Regulations on Setting Up Business in Japan Pamphlet

The pamphlet "Laws & Regulations" is available in PDF, and outlines basic information about laws, regulations and procedures related to setting up a business in Japan. It is available in 8 languages (Japanese, English, German, French, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Korean and Vietnamese).
You can download via the "Request Form" button below.

Section3:Documents businesses are required to submit to authorities

Documents Where documents are listed within the URL The competent authorities and relevant web pages
Notification of Corporation EstablishmentExternal site: a new window will open See Guidelines 1. Notification of corporation establishment National Tax AgencyExternal site: a new window will open
Notification of Corporation/Branch Establishment (for submission to Tokyo Metropolitan when establishing an office in Tokyo)External site: a new window will open See "1.Notification of Incorporation (example form)" under the "Duties" headline. Tokyo Metropolitan Government Bureau of TaxationExternal site: a new window will open
Notification about Becoming Foreign Ordinary CorporationExternal site: a new window will open See Guidelines 2. Notification about Becoming Foreign Ordinary Corporation National Tax AgencyExternal site: a new window will open
Application Form for Approval of Filing Blue ReturnExternal site: a new window will open See Guidelines 6. Application form for Approval of Filing Blue Return National Tax AgencyExternal site: a new window will open
Notification of Establishment/Relocation/Closure of a Salary-Paying OfficeExternal site: a new window will open See Guidelines 10. Notification of Establishment/
Relocation/Closure of a Salary-paying office
National Tax AgencyExternal site: a new window will open
Application for Special Provision for Extension of the Due Date for Filing a Final ReturnExternal site: a new window will open See Guidelines 5. Application for Special Provision for Extension of the Due Date for Filing a Final Return Form National Tax AgencyExternal site: a new window will open
Application for Approval Made in Relation to the Special Provision for Due Dates for Withholding Income TaxExternal site: a new window will open See Guidelines 11. Application for Approval Made in Relation to the Special Provision for Due Dates for Withholding Income Tax National Tax AgencyExternal site: a new window will open
Notification/Application Form for the Extension of Submission Deadline to File Tax Statement (for submission to Tokyo Metropolitan)External site: a new window will open See Tax (Metropolitan Tax) section "2.Notification/Application for Extension of Time to File Tax Statement (example form) " under the "Duties" headline Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Bureau of TaxationExternal site: a new window will open

Materials listed as ‘Reference’ contain samples of documents regarding registration, visa, taxation, personnel and labor matters that are necessary when a foreign company establishes a corporation or other entity in Japan. These documents are not published by competent authorities and therefore are not official. For those who are going through the official procedures, please obtain the latest official documents from the competent authorities and related bodies or consult a person who specializes in advising on such information and procedures.

The information contained in this documents should be used at the reader’s independent discretion. While JETRO makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information it provides, no responsibility is accepted by JETRO for any loss or damage incurred as a result of actions based on the information provided in these documents or provided by the external links listed on these pages.

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