Open for Professionals

Companies interested in Highly-skilled Foreign Professionals (OFP List)

The "OFP List" is a corporate database containing information of Japanese companies interested in hiring highly-skilled foreign professionals.

JETRO, a Japanese governmental organization, has been operating a portal site "Open for Professionals" to promote the active participation of highly-skilled foreign professionals in Japan.

Search for Japanese companies interested in
highly-skilled foreign professionals.

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Foreign Professionals
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List of companies

Showing 1-4 of 4 hits.

Company Looking to Hire Internship Program Use of English Required Persons Sectors
Sakaue Inc.,Ltd Yes Yes impossible Sciences (Engineering)
Trading and Wholesale、Miscellaneous Non-Manufacturing Sector
SAWADAEN CO.,LTD. Yes No impossible Humanities (Language)
Humanities (Sales/Marketing)
Humanities (Trade Affairs)
Humanities (Management)
Food & Beverage、Trading and Wholesale、Retail
Kagoshima Organic Farmers Assoc. Yes Yes impossible Humanities (Sales/Marketing)
Humanities (Trade Affairs)
Food & Beverage、Trading and Wholesale、Retail
YONEMORI CONSTRUCTION Yes Yes possible Sciences (Engineering) Construction