Ministry of Finance - Notice of Procurement (Goods & Services)Electricity (group 1 and group 2), 1 set

This procurement is covered by the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement, Japan-EU Economic Partnership Agreement or Japan-UK Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement.


Publishing date Apr 21, 2022
Type of notice Notice of Procurement (Goods & Services)
Procurement entity Ministry of Finance - Osaka
0026 Miscellaneous Articles
Summay of notice ⑴ Official in charge of disbursement of the procuring entity : AJIMOTO Satoshi, Deputy Assistant Regional Commissioner (Management and Coordination), Osaka Regional Taxation Bureau.
⑵ Classification of the services to be procured : 26
⑶ Nature and quantity of the services to be required : Electricity (group 1 and group 2), 1 set.
⑷ Fulfillment period : group 1 "From 0 : 00 on October 1, 2022 to 24 : 00 on September 30, 2023" group 2 "From 0 : 00 on October 1, 2022 to 24 : 00 on the day before the meter reading date in September 2023"
⑸ Delivery place : Refer to the tender explanation.
⑹ Qualification for Participating in the tendering procedures : Suppliers eligible for participating in the proposed tender are those who shall ; ①not come under Article 70 of the Cabinet Order concerning the Budget, Auditing and Accounting ; Furthermore, minors, Person under Conservatorship or Person under Assistance that obtained the consent necessary for concluding a contract may be applicable under cases of special reasons within the said clause ; ②not come under Article 71 of the Cabinet Order concerning the Budget, Auditing and Accounting ; ③group 1 have Grade "A, B, C or D in the Selling" group 2 have Grade "C or D in the Selling" in terms of the qualification for participating in tenders by Organizations in the Kinki area related to the Ministry of Finance (Single qualification for every ministry and agency) in the fiscal years 2022, 2023 and 2024 ; ④have not received suspension of designated contractor status, etc. from any ministry or agency (including person specially qualified by officials in charge of disbursement of the procuring entity) ; ⑤an eligible person is a person whose business condition and credit are deemed not to be a severe degradation, and who is sure to implement the contract.
⑺ Time-limit for tender : 17 : 00, 13 June, 2022.
⑻ Other : for details concerning this tender, refer to the tender explanation.
⑼ Contact point for the notice : FUKU-MOTO Yui, Procurement Section, Accounts Division, Osaka Regional Taxation Bureau, 1-5-63 Otemae Chuo-ku Osaka 540-8541 Japan. TEL 06-6941-5331 ex. 2691
⑽ Submit a document of a system to prove their ability to supply the system concerned and meet our requirements in order to be judged acceptable by the contracting enti-ty ; and provide explanations on the contents of the above document by request.