Iwate PrefectureLease of Iwate Prefectural Police WAN System (set in January, 2020) 1 set


Publishing date Jun 14, 2019
Procurement entity Iwate Prefecture(Iwate)
0014 Office Machines & Automatic Data Processing Equipment
0027 Computer Services
0071 Computer & Related Services
Summary of notice Summary
(1) Nature and quantity of the services to be required:
Lease of Iwate Prefectural Police WAN System (set in January, 2020) 1 set
(2) Time-limit of tender:
1:30 p.m., 29 July, 2019 (By mail tenders must be submitted by 5:00 p.m., 28 July, 2019)
(3) Contact point for the notice:
Information Management Division, Police Administration Department, Iwate Prefectural Police
Headquarters, 3-40 Uchimaru, Morioka-shi, Iwate 020-0023, JAPAN TEL 019-653-0110