Tokyo Game Show 2014 Buyer Mission

During the week of September 15-19, 2014, JETRO will invite overseas game publishers (buyers) to the Tokyo Game Show 2014 at Makuhari Messe (just outside Tokyo).

JETRO will invite overseas game publishers (buyers) that have a strong desire to distribute Japanese games and that have an established business in overseas game markets. The programme will provide an opportunity to identify prominent Japanese games that can differentiate their offering from others.

During the programme, JETRO will coordinate one-on-one pre-arranged business meetings between program participants and Japanese gaming developers. JETRO will also provide support in terms of transportation, accommodation and interpretation for business meetings.

Further details:
Tokyo Game Show 2014 Programme Outline
Tokyo Game Show Website
Tokyo Game Show 2014 Application (English)

To apply for this programme or for more information, please contact Johnny Tan (T: 416-861-0000 x 229;

Application deadline: July 11, 2014.