JETRO will invite overseas corporations to JAPAN AEROSPACE 2016 (JA 2016), the international trade show held in Tokyo for aerospace and space industry. This 4-day show will be held at the Tokyo Big Sight in October 2016, expecting to attract more than 30,000 worldwide trade visitors and 700 exhibitors, including leading Japanese manufacturers and service providers.

Through this Invitation Program, JETRO will coordinate one-on-one pre-arranged business meetings for program participants to provide opportunities to find new business tie-up with Japanese suppliers service providers.

During the programme, JETRO will coordinate one-on-one business meetings at RISCON 2016 and will provide support in terms of transportation, accommodation and interpretation for business meetings.

JAPAN AEROSPACE 2016 Programme Outline
JAPAN AEROSPACE 2012 Exhibitor List
To apply for this programme or for more information, please contact Tyson Garbe (T: 416-861-0000 x 203; Tyson_Garbe@jetro.go.jp).

Application deadline: July 15, 2016 (Tokyo time); July 14, 2016 (Toronto time).