JETRO Sydney Autumn 2018 Newsletter Released

Apr 09, 2018


JETRO Sydney would like to present you with the Autumn 2018 Edition of our Quarterly Newsletter.

The Newsletter is a PDF file, with this issue totalling 8 pages and features an in depth article by special guest Mr David Jacobs, detailing the upcoming prestigious Australia-Japan business meeting.

In total this feature includes: 

  • MD's Message: A special message from our Managing Director, Hiroyuki Nakazato, on the major events in trade and investment, and JETRO’s publications of the past Japanese financial year.
  • Feature Article:  Upcoming Prestigious Australia-Japan Business Meeting. David Jacobs, CEO, AJBCC, details the 56th Annual Joint Business Conference of the Australia-Japan Business Co-operation Committee (AJBCC) together with its Japan based counterpart organisation, to be held in Sydney for the first time since 2012.
  • Japanese-Affiliated Companies in Australia: FY 2017 Survey Results. JETRO Sydney Research Director Tomomi Koyanagi provides an analysis and overview of JETRO’s annual survey.
  • Manuel’s View: Australian & Japanese Economic Intelligence Director Manuel Panagiotopoulos reviews the data on Australia’s 2nd largest overall trading partner, Japan.
  • Editor’s corner: Our editor reports on the recent Japan-Australia Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS) Industrial Utilisation Workshop held in Sydney and Melbourne.

To download the Newsletter, please click the image at the top of the page or below link:

JETRO Sydney Newsletter – Autumn 2018PDF(11.5MB)