Open for Professionals

Companies Interested in Highly-Skilled Foreign Professionalstoshoku corporation

A general food trading company that takes action and that creates value via innovation and speed


to Hire No


Only English
Skills Required

We are a general food trading company that continues to take on new challenges and evolve. We seek people who can play an active role in our overseas export department.

We prefer applicants with Japanese skill level of N2 and a university or college degree. After joining, training is provided in all departments, followed by on-the-job training and study sessions once or twice a month to learn the job. We have a system in place where senior employees act as close advisors and help people communicate smoothly within the company.

New hires will first be assigned to sales to customers in Japan, and then they will be able to demonstrate their abilities as contact persons for overseas export operations. We hope new hires will be able to develop new services for their home countries and other countries by communicating with customers there not only in their language but also through their understanding of the culture and national character. In the future, we will encourage new hires to become able to purchase, sell, and plan products by themselves.

Our corporate culture prizes diverse values and respects the autonomy of our employees. The growth of our people is directly linked to the growth of our company, so we hope to meet applicants who are determined and who have an enterprising spirit.

Role Expected of Highly-Skilled Foreign Professionals

  • Bridge Builder with Foreign Enterprises, such as in Expanding Overseas (Bridging Resource)

Required Persons

  • Humanities (Language)
  • Humanities (Sales/Marketing)
  • Humanities (Trade Affairs)
  • Humanities (Management)
  • Sciences (Technical Sales)
  • Sciences (Engineering)
  • N2


  • Food & Beverage
  • Trading and Wholesale

Business Content

We are a general trading company specializing in food products, founded in 1971. We supply products to customers all over Japan, from Hokkaido to Okinawa, and have built close relationships with companies in various regions.

Based on our accumulated experience, we are proud that we are second to none in terms of the speed with which we are able to propose and deliver products that meet the needs of our customers, who we have gained tremendous trust from. We are also known for our ability to procure unusual products, along with products with strong regional character, by utilizing our superior network.

We also export processed foods, seasonings, and frozen foods to 32 countries/regions around the world, including Europe, the United States, Asia, and the Middle East, to importers and some retailers. In Japan, we operate a wholesale store, Manten Ichiba, which sells its products at wholesale prices to retailers and other vendors as well as to consumers.

Under the slogan of "Innovation and speed," we have created new markets, new demand, and new services by operating on our own initiative without being bound by fixed concepts. We aim to be a company that continues to take on the challenge of satisfying customers around the world as well as contributing to local communities.

Countries/Areas of Interest

  • Asia as a whole
  • Oceania as a whole
  • North America as a whole
  • Europe as a whole



* Please refrain from any sales activities other than those seeking for foreign professionals.

appearance of main ofifice


1613-54 Hojoji Ekiya-cho Hukuyama-city Hiroshoima 720-2413
Tel : 084-949-3188

Company Info

Capital:30 million yen
Amount of sales:9 billion 400 million yen
Number of employees:97 people
Year of establishment:May 1971