Open for Professionals
Companies Interested in Highly-Skilled Foreign ProfessionalsWATANABE MFG.CO.,LTD.
A group of professionals supporting social infrastructure via metal processing technology
to Hire Yes
Only English
Skills Required
Our company handles a wide variety of products through our metal processing operations, at more than 1,000 product types per month. Unlike other factories of mass production, at our facilities we manufacture a wide variety of products with different shapes, sizes, and levels of processing difficulty, making it a challenging job that engineers will never tire of.
We are currently looking for people who can work as engineers and machine operators. We are looking for people who have studied engineering or mechanics at university and whose Japanese level is N2 to N3, with the ability to communicate person to person. Currently, we have Vietnamese engineers on staff, and we are working to create a comfortable working environment for foreign employees, for example, by also displaying information in the factory in Vietnamese.
After entering the company, new hires will learn how to handle machines by working with the machines directly. There are many opportunities to come into contact with new products, and because we place importance on employee training, employees can acquire new knowledge and skills. In the future, we expect new hires to play active roles as group leaders that organize their teams. We look forward to people joining our group of professionals and growing as engineers with us.
Role Expected of Highly-Skilled Foreign Professionals
- Management or Research & Development for Domestic Business Using Specific Professional Knowledge
Required Persons
- Sciences (Engineering)
- Information and Communication Electronics Equipment/Electronic Parts and Devices
- Motor Vehicles/Motor Vehicles Parts/Miscellaneous Transportation Equipment
- Precision Machinery
Business Content
We use precision cutting technology to manufacture parts for a variety of products, including power-receiving and transforming equipment, railroads, vibration isolators, construction machinery, elevators, and semiconductor manufacturing equipment. We process over 1,000 different products per month, and we are confident in the variety of products that we handle and in our high level of technology.
We can accept orders for as little as one unit, and our strength lies in our ability to respond to a wide range of requests. With just one order form, we can handle the entire process, from material procurement to processing, inspection, and assembly, all in cooperation with our partner factories, instead of having to go through several factories to get products made. We have a top-level production system that drastically reduces labor and costs for our customers, shortens delivery times, and provides complete quality assurance.
We are also focusing on the development of our own products. Our hybrid digital torque wrench has been well received as a tool for the computerized management of installation and maintenance history.
Our products are used not only in Japan but also worldwide. We will continue to support social infrastructure by meeting diversifying needs via our technological capabilities.
Countries/Areas of Interest
- Asia as a whole
- India
- Indonesia
- Thailand
- Vietnam
- Malaysia
See more details

1-1-12, Sengari Kamo-city Niigata 959-1327
Tel : 0256-52-0897
Company Info
Capital:40 million yen
Amount of sales:1 billion 750 million yen
Number of employees:123 people
Year of establishment:August 1978