Publication of Directory of Japanese Companies in Texas

Dec 03, 2020

The Consulate-General of Japan in Houston and JETRO Houston have published a directory of Japanese companies that have expanded into Texas. The directory is organized by region, including Houston, Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, and El Paso/Laredo/McAllen, and users can view contact information for each Japanese company as well as a description of each company’s activities in Texas.


This directory focuses on companies that are headquartered in Japan, have established a site in Texas, and are conducting business activities here. This directory compiles approximately 140 of these companies and organizations.


Japanese companies in Texas have the highest number of establishments among foreign investors, and companies all across the state are cooperating with local people to produce outstanding goods and services. Until now, the Consulate-General and JETRO have received numerous inquiries from local governments, economic development organizations, and companies located in Texas who are interested in deepening relations with Japanese companies. These inquiries led to the creation of this directory.


We hope that use of this directory will further strengthen the relationship between Texan companies and Japanese companies and help to generate new innovation in the region.


The directory is available here.