Spotlight Newsletter (2014-01)


A Message from the Chief Executive Director of JETRO San Francisco
JETRO to Host Event in San Francisco on February 10th, Encourages Local Companies to Get Involved

JETRO will host the Japan-U.S. Business and Technology Symposium 2014, a free event to explore the economic opportunities driven by technology and enhanced relations between Japan and the United States. Toshiro Okada, Chief Executive Director of JETRO San Francisco, explained why is it crucial to hold this event now and what JETRO wants to deliver to businesses in the U.S. and Japan.

>>Read Full Article HerePDF (PDF, 89KB) To Find Out:

  • What is your key objective of this symposium?
  • Why did you select the San Francisco Bay Area for the event?
  • Why did you select three industries - IT, Energy/Environment, and Healthcare/Medical Device?
  • The event will gather speakers from various business fields. What are they going to deliver?
  • Who will benefit from the symposium?

The event will take place at the San Francisco Marriott, located near Union Square in San Francisco at 480 Sutter Street on Monday, February 10, from 1:30pm to 7:00pm. Please join our event with Japanese government officials and leading industry professionals, and explore how to boost economic growth in both countries. Seats are filling up quickly. If you are interested, please register as soon as possible.

>>Find out about sessions and speakers and to register, click: JETRO Symposium 2014 RegistrationExternal site: a new window will open.To other site.


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