NET ZERO Leaders Summit (Japan Business Conference 2021) - Online event from Wednesday, July 28

Jun 23, 2021

JETRO and The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) are pleased to announce  the jointly organized “NET ZERO Leaders  Summit (Japan Business Conference 2021)” to promote  efforts  toward green  investment and  realizing carbon  neutrality by 2050. The event will take place from Wednesday, July 28, and will be held online.

The main  program of  the event  will bring  together the  wisdom and  minds of  world leaders as together we take  up  the  challenge  to achieve  a positive  cycle of  economic growth  and environmental  protection. The conference  will also  detail and display  Japan’s growth vision and national initiatives toward carbon neutrality by the middle of the 21st Century.


Event date: From Wednesday July 28, 2021

Event format: Online (prior registration required)


Attendance fee: Free

You will find more information here

