Partnership Support Targeting EU-Based Japanese Companies (managed by the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation with the support of JETRO Brussels)

May 20, 2014

Presentation of the support project: When Japanese companies are investing in an EU member state, the EU member state national and regional authorities often put forward the financial incentives, the infrastructure, cheap human resources and developed business environment (i.e. sectorial clusters). However, these authorities do not always highlight the relevance of long-term support in order to provide investors with valuable “After Sales” services that could be available on an EU level.
With this project, EU-based Japanese companies will have the opportunity to find answer to their local needs in identifying and meeting potential partners and suppliers that would come not only from the region where the Japanese companies are based but also from all over the EU without any prior commitments or costs.

Objectives: The objective is to support EU-based Japanese companies in their search for relevant suppliers and partners in all the EU member states in order to:
• Assist them in sustaining their activities (business or R&D and innovation) in Europe by helping them to solve some of their operational problems linked to the identification of suitable suppliers or linked to the acquisition of relevant technologies.
• Provide them with the opportunity to find potential relevant partners or suppliers not only in the region where they are based but also in all the EU thanks to the support of the Enterprise Europe Network*.
• Give EU SMEs coming from all over the EU, the opportunity to showcase their technologies, services or products to EU-based Japanese companies.

For further details (in both English and Japanese) about the support project and its related application form please refer to the following links:
Project Details
Application Form