These are the terms and conditions of participation which govern the ASEAN DXPF Corporate Innovation Program (collectively the “Challenge”).

The Challenge requires participants (“Participants”) to create  a new model case of digital transformation together. The Challenge is organised

by JETRO, ICMG, IHI, Sojitz Asia Pte Ltd and Nittoku Singapore. (collectively the “Challenge Owners”, individually the “Challenge Owner”). 


The ASEAN DXPF Corporate Innovation Program consists of two stages – 1st stage and 2nd stage:




Participants will submit their ideas via website for evaluation. Challenge Owners will shortlist teams for participation in the 2nd stage.




Teams which meet the criteria at the end of the 2nd stage will be invited to present in the Demo Day.




By participating in the Challenge, Participants agree to the conditions stated below:



1. The Challenge is open to all except for current employees of Challenge Owners who are involved in administering or organising the Challenge.


2. To participate in the Challenge, each team must have submitted their entry via the website at (https://www.jetro.go.jp/singapore/DX/DXPF2.html) 

    before the close of the deadline. Each team is only allowed to submit one entry. Challenge Owners reserves the right to extend the deadline of

    the submission at their discretion.


3. Challenge Owners reserves the right to reject any incomplete or late submissions.


4. Each entry must be submitted by a team comprising of minimally 2 team members. Each team must select one of its members as a team Leader          who will be the main contact point for Challenge Owners and who is deemed to be authorised by the team members to communicate with                  Challenge Owners.


5. Deviation from the stipulated team size will be considered on a case-by-case basis.


6. All ideas, models, plans, designs, drawings, photos, images, text etc. submitted must be original, are not in the public domain, and must not                infringe or violate any law, right of any person or entity, nor contain material that infringes or violates any personal or intellectual property

    rights of any third party.


7. All Participants agree to indemnify, release, discharge and hold harmless Challenge Owners, their affiliates, partners or representatives associated        with this Challenge, from any claim, loss or damages which any of them may suffer as a result of any Challenge related activities, infringement

    of the intellectual property rights of any third parties or breach of any of the terms and conditions of the Challenge, by any of the Participants.




1. All submissions must meet the following general conditions:

1. Be complete. Incomplete entries will be deemed invalid and disqualified


2. The content and any supporting materials must be acceptable for all viewing audiences. Acceptable deliverables are as follows: PPT and

    for videos mp4 not exceeding 50MB or YouTube links. Any entry or any supporting materials that contains text, sound or images that                Challenge Owners (in their sole discretion and for any reason) regard as vulgar, offensive, or inappropriate for public viewing or

    publication on the internet, or that presents Challenge Owners in negative light, will be automatically disqualified and/or removed at

    their sole discretion.


3. Be in the form that can be sent to other parties. Challenge Owners may pass on any submissions to any groups within Challenge Owners          and/or other third parties involved in the operation, evaluation or judging of the Challenge.


2. By submitting an entry in this Challenge, Participants personally confirm that:

1. Their entry meets all requirements stated;


2. Their entry is their original work;


3. Their ideas submitted to the Challenge has not been previously displayed, exhibited, demonstrated or submitted to any other competition;


4. Their ideas submitted to the Challenge will not be displayed, exhibited, demonstrated or submitted to any other competition during the            Challenge.


3. Any Challenge entry that does not fulfil any of the above conditions will be disqualified.





1. All intellectual property rights developed by the Participants during the Challenge belong to the respective Participants (“Owner Participants”);           provided that the Owner Participants may not, during the Challenge, use such intellectual property rights for any purpose other than the purpose       of the Challenge. Other Participants shall not use the intellectual property rights of the Owner Participants in any way without getting an express         license from the Owner Participants for such use.


2. Participants who participate in the 2nd stage agree to assign intellectual property developed for during this Challenge non-exclusively to their            respective Challenge Owner - meaning intellectual property rights are assigned to both Challenge Owner and Participants and both parties have        the right to use the developed concepts as they may please - as part of the consideration for their participation in the demo day.


3. Participants who are selected as winners in the 2nd stage agree to fully assign any intellectual property developed for this Challenge, not inclusive      of background intellectual property originally belonging to Participants, exclusively to the respective Challenge Owner as part of the consideration      for opportunities receivable by their team.


4. Challenge Owners reserves the right to freely use, develop and modify any solutions or inventions from the Challenge, including any intellectual          property that is premised on any ideas or concepts submitted from the Participants, for any of Challenge Owners purposes, including but not              limited to the creation of the new model case of digital transformation.





1. Challenge Owners will shortlist teams to participate in the 2nd Stage. Such shortlisted Participants will further work on their solutions and                    Challenge Owners will invite those teams to present at the Demo Day.


2. The decision of the Panel of Judges on the shortlisted teams is final and conclusive. Participants not shortlisted for the 2nd Stage will not carry

    on with the Challenge.





1. Participants selected for the 2nd stage will be required to comply with the following:

a. Have at least one team member attend:

- Demo Day in 1st week of March 2021


b. Submit Assignments to the Challenge Owners and adhere to deliverables requested by the Organisers


c. Follow-up with Co-Creation Partners on a regular basis


2. Challenge Owners reserves the rights to vary or change the dates mentioned and the Participants are required to comply with the changes.                  Should the Participants fail to comply with the above, Challenge Owners reserves the right to disqualify them.





1. Teams participating in the Demo Day will present their ideas to a judging panel which may include but are not limited to respective challenge              owners, JETRO & ICMG.


2. Challenge Owners reserves the right to substitute or withdraw or to award one or more or not award any incentives at all for the Challenge.

    The decision of Challenge Owners will be final.





1. All Participants who are members of the shortlisted team(s) agree and consent to the public disclosure and use of their identities, including but          not limited to names, images, voice and video recordings for publicity purposes, and to participate in the publicity activities in relation to the              Challenge globally.




1. Information disclosed by Challenge Owners for and in relation to the Challenge (“Confidential Information”) is considered confidential and

    strictly for the purpose of this Challenge. All Participants shall not: (1) disclose any Confidential Information to any person who is not a registered        participant in their team, or (2) store and/or keep any Confidential Information in whatever form after the Challenge, or (3) commercialise any              Confidential Information, without the express written consent of the owner of the Confidential Information.


2. Any intellectual property rights and all other rights in and to the Confidential Information shall remain vested in the Disclosing Party. No license

    or right regarding the Confidential Information is granted to the Receiving Party and its Permitted Persons.


3. If you are shortlisted after 1st stage, Challenge Owner may request that each Participant execute a confidentiality/non-disclosure agreement

    for the purpose of entering into negotiations regarding the further development of the Participant’s project, as described in his/her Deliverable.          Such confidentiality/non-disclosure agreement will be directed to his/her Deliverable and all intellectual property originating from Challenge              Owner that it may contain.





1. Challenge Owners reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions of participation at any time at its absolute discretion without any

    further notice, including but not limited to the eligibility terms and criteria, the selection of winners, the timing of any act to be done and all                Participants to this Challenge shall be bound by these amendments. The amended terms and conditions of participation will be made available

    on the Challenge Owner’s Challenge microsite.


2. Unless otherwise agreed upon in writing, the Participants shall solely bear all costs and expenses incurred in participating in the Challenge.


3. Challenge Owners shall not be liable for any claim or action for any loss, damage or injury whatsoever arising from the Challenge and acceptance        of any incentives.


4. Challenge Owners reserves the right at any time and in their absolute discretion to cancel or modify the Challenge without prior notice without          any liability to the Participants.


5. No contract or agreement providing for the Possible Transaction – meaning possible collaboration with Challenge Owners - shall be deemed

    to exist between the Parties hereto unless and until a definitive agreement with respect thereto has been executed and delivered by and

    between the Parties hereto after necessary management approval of each party is duly obtained. Unless and until such definitive agreement

    has been executed and delivered by and between the Challenge Owners and Participants hereto, there shall not be any legal obligation on

    either party hereto of any kind whatsoever with respect to the Possible Transaction by virtue of this Agreement or any other written or oral                  expression with respect thereto, except, in the case of this Agreement, for the matters specifically agreed herein.


6. Challenge Owners will not be held responsible for (i) any damage, loss or injury suffered by any Participant as a result of taking part in the                    Challenge or (ii) for the safe custody, return, non-delivery or missing of entries, late, misdirected, problems or technical malfunctions of any                telephone network or lines, computer on-line systems, servers, or providers, computer equipment, software, failure of email or entry to be

    received on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the internet, telephone lines or at any website, or any combination thereof,            including any injury or damage to Participants’ or any other person’s computer or mobile telephone related to or resulting from participation

    or downloading any materials in the Challenge.


7. Participants need to fully read, understand and accept the Terms & Conditions of Participation in order to participate in the Challenge.  By                    submitting, Participants agree that they have fully read, understood and are bound by such terms and conditions.