
The Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) was established by the Japanese government in 1958 as the nation's principal organization for the comprehensive implementation of trade policy. In its first few decades, JETRO promoted Japanese exports to meet the needs of the nation's postwar economy. In the first half of the 1980s, however, as Japan's trade surplus continued to grow, the organization began promoting imports entering Japan to help the nation achieve more balanced foreign trade.

Today, JETRO places a strong emphasis on the promotion of foreign investment entering Japan. Attracting foreign investment is a key strategy for stimulating domestic employment and revitalizing the Japanese economy. JETRO also provides small and medium-sized enterprises with support for their international trade and investment activities, and thereby stimulate the economies of East Asia and in fact the entire world. In addition, we help developing nations nurture their parts/components supply industries, support industrial development programs between regional areas of Japan and other countries, and promote cooperation between industries in Japan and other developed nations

To carry out these and other activities, JETRO operates an extensive network of offices worldwide, comprising JETRO Headquarters in Tokyo, JETRO Osaka and 37 other offices in Japan and 73 offices in the world. We merged with the Institute of Developing Economies (IDE), Japan's largest regional studies organization, in July 1998, resulting in a new organization with comprehensive capabilities not only in trade and investment promotion, but also research into economic and related issues in developing regions of the world.

As the world economy continues to be reshaped by globalization and other major trends, JETRO remains committed to making meaningful contributions toward the expansion of balanced Japanese trade and investment, as well as the development of mutually beneficial relationships with Japan's economic partners.
The JETRO Tel Aviv main purpose is to develop business relationships between both Israel and Japan, and West Bank/ Gaza Strip and Japan.

We provide business information, we operate special programs, and we conduct other activities throughout the year.