Date March 31, 2025 - April 4, 2025
City / Country Hanover (Hannover) / Germany / Europe・CIS , Real and online
Venue Hannover Messe
Items to be exhibited Additive Manufacturing, Automation, Edge Computing & Infrastructure, Digital Energy, E-mobility & Charging Infrastructure, Energy Management, Engineering Software, Fluid Power, Hydrogen & Fuel Cells, IT & OT Security, Lightweight Design, Linear Technology, Logistics Automation, Material Handling & Assembly, Metal Parts & Components, Plastics, Process & Waste Heat Solutions, Quantum Technologies, Research, Robotics, Storage, Wireless & 5G Technology
For Visitors Eligibility : Trade only
Method of admission : Apply/register online
For details, please contact the organizer directly.
Organizer Deutsche Messe AG
Address : Messegelande 30521 Hannover
Tel : +49-511-89-0
E-mail : info@messe.de
Inquiry Form : https://www.hannovermesse.de/en/application/forms/contact-general/
Message from organizer One of the world's largest international exhibitions for the manufacturing industry. It is also an exhibition platform for German governments to promote decarbonization and Industry 4.0. It covers automation, motion and digital technologies, industrial components and materials, vacuum technology, compressors, intralogistics, basic technologies in the research stage, and energy-related technologies including hydrogen and fuel cells.
The representative office, person or agency in Japan International Linkage
Tel : +81-3-6403-5817
E-mail : masahito.takeo@intl-linkage.co.jp
Inquiry Form : https://intl-linkage.co.jp/dm/contact-us/
Frequency Annual
last fair information 2024 year
Total number of visitors : 130000
Total number of exhibitors : 4000
The past records may include concurrent/joint exhibits.
Official website For more detailed information of the trade fair, please check the official website External site: a new window will open. of the individual organizer.
last update May 21, 2024


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