参考基本法:1979年に制定されたイラン・イスラム共和国憲法および改定版(The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran & Amendments)、1932年5月22日制定のイラン民法(Civil Code of Iran)
- 第80条:外国からの借款および援助の議会承認
(The giving or taking of free loans or aids by the Government, whether local or foreign, must be made with the approval of the National Assembly.) - 第81条:外国人への会社等設立の権利付与の絶対的禁止
(The granting of concessions to foreigners for establishing companies and institutions in the field of trade, industry, agriculture, mines and services is absolutely prohibited.) - 第82条:外国人専門家の雇用の議会承認以外の禁止
(The employment of foreign experts by the Government is prohibited unless it is essential and approved by the National Assembly.) - 第83条:財産譲渡の議会承認以外の禁止
(Precious Government building and properties cannot be transferred to another unless with the approval of the National Assembly, and that is possible only when it is not the only of its kind.)