Subsidy Program for New Business Establishment in the Areas Recovering from Tsunami and Nuclear Disaster towards Employment Creation
Title: Subsidy Program for New Business Establishment in the Areas Recovering from Tsunami and Nuclear Disaster towards Employment Creation
Subsidized Project : A subsidy program for establishment of new factories (manufacturing business), distribution facilities, experiment and research facilities, call centers or data center facilities and others, so as to activate the regional economy through employment creation in the areas in the prefectures inundated by the tsunami and restricted areas in Fukushima prefecture severely affected by the nuclear power station accident and where the evacuation order has been lifted.
Guideline for Application: Guidelines for Subsidy Application (312KB)
Eligible Cost: Initial expenditure for office location covering from acquisition of land to construction of buildings and installation of production equipment
Subsidy Rates/Maximum Amount: Up to 3/4 depending on areas eligible and size of company
Application Period/Selected Projects: From August 3 (Mon), until noon on September 30 (Wed), 2015.
The Competent Authorities: Industrial facilities Division, Regional Economic and Industrial Policy Group, METI *Japanese only
For more information, please contact the nearest JETRO office