JETRO Trading Co.,ltd.
Registered products
  • food -
  • goods 8
  • machines -
  • other -

About this supplier

JETRO Trading was founded in 1920 when JETRO Taro I started peddling. In the century since then, the company has continued to grow. Today, we are engaged in a wide range of businesses, including domestic and international imports and exports, mainly in the fields of textiles, food, and daily necessities, as well as business investments in Japan and overseas. In recent years, taking advantage of our experience in handling a wide range of products, we have also focused on self-developed products.

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Price = Retail price in Japan (JPY)

JETRO Trading Co.,ltd.
¥ 2000 / 500 ml
JETRO Trading Co.,ltd.
¥ 720 / 150 ml
JETRO Trading Co.,ltd.
¥ 1400 / 2100 ml
JETRO Trading Co.,ltd.
¥ 3900 / 100 ml
JETRO Trading Co.,ltd.
¥ 1200 / 200 ml
JETRO Trading Co.,ltd.
¥ 490 / 450 ml
JETRO Trading Co.,ltd.
¥ 2100 / 650 ml
JETRO Trading Co.,ltd.
¥ 1780 / 800 ml
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