Japan Career Promotion Forum INDIA 2023

In the event, you can learn about workplace culture, visa incentives and career opportunities
in Japanese company. Once registered, you will receive an invitation for the forum.


1.First Name


2. Last Name

3.Email Address(Confirmation) (Mandatory)
4. Country of Residence (Mandatory)
5. Occupation (Mandatory)

6. In which university/Japanese language institute you are studying? (Mandatory)
7. Gender (Mandatory)
8. Tell us about your interest area?
9. If you'd like to submit any questions for the forum, please do so here.

■■■Please click the "SUBMIT" button, and confirm your information.■■■

The personal information you provide will be properly managed in accordance with JETRO's Privacy Policy*

The information shall be used for improving our services and for follow-up activities.

*JETRO Privacy Policyhttps://www.jetro.go.jp/privacy/