JETRO Topics
Conclusion of comprehensive cooperation promotion agreement with APU
November 2022
We are pleased to announce that on Wednesday, November 2, 2022, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University and JETRO concluded a comprehensive cooperation promotion agreement as follows, focusing on areas such as international academic research, industry-academia collaboration and the cultivation and advancement of highly skilled global human resources.
The purpose of this agreement is for APU and JETRO to jointly promote international industry-academia collaboration, education for human resources and academic research, thereby contributing to the development of Oita Prefecture, and Japan as a whole, as and the cultivation of human resources.
APU is a university adopted for the Top Global University Project where half of all students and faculty are from foreign countries, and JETRO is a trade and investment promotion organization with 76 offices in 55 countries. The university is the 18th university selected for the Top Global University Project with which JETRO has concluded such an agreement in Japan. It is expected that the deepening collaboration between both parties will achieve a synergistic effect by combining APU's multicultural and multilingual environment and JETRO’s international business knowhow and overseas network.

Signing Ceremony
1. Main content of the agreement
- (1) International academic research and industry-academia collaboration
Joint research studies and joint seminars will be conducted leveraging JETRO's overseas information and overseas networks and linking APU’s knowledge to the international business of companies.
- JETRO and APU to jointly hold seminars contributing to the internationalization of companies in the prefecture
- IDE-JETRO to utilize APU’s international academic conferences as venues for presenting its research achievements and for research exchange
- JETRO to be a medium for companies in the prefecture to make use of APU’s knowledge in their overseas marketing
- JETRO will hold overseas business seminars for students (including graduates) who have started their own businesses, as well as respond to individual consultations regarding international business.
- Establishment of a JETRO Desk within the APU Career Office (with both in-person and online consultations available)
- (2) Cultivation and retention of highly skilled global human resources
Exchange meetings between APU's global human resources and foreign companies supported by JETRO will be held on a regular basis. In addition, with JETRO’s support menu for promoting highly skilled global human resources, JETRO will provide job matching support for companies and students, help companies to create a framework to take on foreign students and assist companies in retaining such new foreign recruits.
- Support for APU students to intern at JETRO Oita and companies in Oita Prefecture
- Assistance by JETRO Oita in publicizing the Global Competency Enhancement Program (GCEP) offered by APU to companies in the prefecture
- JETRO staff members to be guest speakers at APU’s career development programs and existing courses
2. Background to the agreement’s conclusion
With the opening of the new College of Sustainability and Tourism, where students will study sustainable regional development and tourism, in April 2023, APU aims to expand practical learning opportunities, and the agreement between APU and JETRO was concluded due to the overlap between both institutions’ aims to contribute to regional development through support and collaboration with local industries engaged in international business, as well as through exchange.
In addition to cooperating in fields such as academic research and industry, and facilitating the development of industry-academia collaboration among companies in the prefecture on an international scale, APU and JETRO aim at contributing to regional development by promoting the activities of highly-skilled foreign human resources and the cultivation of human resources who can be active in international business.
3. The relationship between APU and JETRO to date
- Since the conclusion of an internship memorandum in 2004, JETRO has accepted approximately one intern every year at JETRO Oita.
- JETRO has contributed judges several times at competitions organized by APU where students from APU as well as other universities present solutions to issues companies are facing.
- JETRO conducted a seminar in English at an APU student dormitory for students and local companies.
- Guest lecturers dispatched by JETRO to APU
- Advice given by JETRO toward the APU Startup Program
- Six JETRO alumni have joined the APU faculty and staff.
- Cooperation by JETRO overseas offices in raising awareness of APU