About Us
Activities Contributing to the activities and trade policies of Japanese companies through surveys and research
JETRO provides a wide range of Japanese companies with up-to-date overseas business information based on research and analysis that utilizes our strengths, such as our robust network of domestic and overseas offices, personnel possessing extensive knowledge of overseas regions and industries, our connections with local companies, research institutions, and international organizations, and the accumulated research results from the Institute of Developing Economies (IDE-JETRO). We also contribute to improving the business environments and trade policies for Japanese companies through proactive policy advocacy aimed at domestic and foreign governments.
Research that helps Japanese companies do business overseas.
JETRO collects and analyzes overseas business data, such as the expansion trends of Japanese companies abroad and business conditions for Japanese-affiliated companies in foreign countries. Taking a neutral stance as a public institution, we gather information on the politics, economy, trade, and investment trends in foreign countries and regions via our domestic and international networks. We then present this information as the latest business news and through Area Reports. We also quickly and accurately collect and provide information about events that significantly affect the global economy and Japanese companies, as well as trends in other countries and regions regarding common global issues, such as the environment, human rights and economic security.
Providing information through seminars and various media distribution channels, making policy recommendations to Japanese and foreign governments
We hold regular seminars in Japan and overseas to present our research findings. We also send lecturers to externally organized seminars. Another way that we disseminate information is through special thematic websites and various media distribution channels such as newsletters and social media.
JETRO examines the findings of various surveys of domestic companies and then makes policy recommendations to the Japanese and foreign governments on how to improve business environments overseas and promote expansion. In addition, it conducts surveys and research on the potential for new economic partnerships with other countries, lobbies relevant parties to initiate negotiations, supports these negotiations, and educates the public on how to make best use of an agreement once it has been entered into force.
JETRO Research - “Business Conditions of Japanese Companies,” used for policy recommendations and other purposes
Providing information with assist with overseas expansion
Our advisors in Japan have rich professional experience and can respond via e-mail, telephone, or in person to inquiries ranging from practical questions arising when considering doing business abroad to trade and investment-related matters. In addition, at our 70 overseas offices, staff members and professional advisors provide useful information for expanding overseas, such as data on the local general economic situation and business conditions. We also offer briefings not only on-site, but online for a limited number of eligible members.
Making full use of digital tools to provide information
We strive to provide up-to-date information by taking full advantage of digital tools, such as live webinars with our staff members stationed abroad.
We hold paid and free webinars; paid webinars are available for viewing two months and free ones for three months after release.
In the development of policy, we also engage in public relations activities using social media to raise awareness.
Support for the protection and utilization of intellectual property rights.
We conduct research and provide information on the intellectual property systems worldwide and support the activities of Japanese companies abroad in this area.
We also provide current information on web pages and at seminars and offer consulting services with our advisors.
In addition, we support anti-counterfeiting measures overseas in cooperation with overseas customs offices, e-commerce businesses, and others. To prevent the leakage of confidential information from Japanese companies operating overseas, we dispatch experts in this field to offer in-house training programs and consulting services.
Strengthening business relationships with other countries
In collaboration with the foreign governments and embassies in Tokyo, we hold investment promotion seminars and business forums by country and region (or by province/state). In addition, to assist Japanese companies in other countries, we hold roundtable meetings to make direct proposals to partner governments about improving of business environments.
Institute of Developing Economies
As a regional research base in Japan focusing on emerging and developing economies , the Institute of Developing Economies (IDE) aims to make intellectual global contributions from the following perspectives:
- Furthering research on emerging countries and contributing to government policies
- Intellectual contributions through expanded research networks and research results
- Dissemination of survey and research results and helping with capacity building
Contributing to policymaking by maximizing the influence of academic research
Through “policy-research dialogue” with policymakers and others that make use of research resources accumulated through academic research, we make intellectual contributions that serve as the foundations for the Japanese government policymaking. In addition, through a combination of various methods (events such as seminars, lectures, international symposia; publications of periodicals, books; and flexible media such as our website and social media), we externally provide information that widely disseminates our research results to policymakers, industry, academia, and the general public.
International Symposium: Marine Plastic Debris and its Countermeasures (Held in February 2023)
“Year Book of Asian Affairs” – Covers annual information of all 23 Asian countries and regions.
Creating and accumulating value-added academic research
Amid changes in the international political, economic, and social orders that have caused rapidly increasing uncertainty in the international community, we conduct research specializing in countries, regions, and fields, focusing on matters concerning emerging and developing countries in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America. We also conduct research into cross-regional and cross-field issues. In addition, we aim to produce research results that can contribute to the global development on large-scale issues that require the pursuit of sustainability and inclusiveness. Specifically, we conduct research that takes unique perspectives―such as the mechanisms behind the formations of highly uncertain regions and various political regimes; verification of the industrial development process primarily in Asia; and a practical understanding of the Chinese economic situation based on analysis of global value chains, innovation, and the Total Factor Productivity (TFP). Furthermore, we analyze Asian affairs and conduct Geographical Simulation Model (IDE-GSM®) studies. Through these research activities, we accumulate specialized knowledge.
On-site survey
An international research hub and academic information platform
Possessing a world-leading specialist library, IDE-JETRO collects and streamlines a tremendous volume of research results and data, as well as more than 700,000 volumes on emerging and developing economies. It also functions as an academic information platform that provides public goods that serve as an intellectual base for academic research. We proactively disseminate information through our website and promote an open-access policy, making our research findings available to the public. Through these endeavors, we are trying to improve the availability of our findings so that more people can make good use of them. In addition, we will further strengthen the networks that were developed over our long history with other international research institutions and researchers, and conduct various activities, such as cultivating human resources in Japan as well as in emerging and developing countries, through the IDEAS Program. Through this, we aim to become an international academic research hub where researchers gather from across the world.
IDE Library