Initiatives for attracting foreign/foreign-affiliated companies to regional ecosystems in Japan

In order to create new businesses and employment in the regions and revitalize regional economies, JETRO is working with regional ecosystem stakeholders (local governments, universities and research institutes, local companies, industrial communities, startup ecosystem consortium members, etc.) to attract foreign and foreign-affiliated companies to Japan’s local regions and collaborate with them internationally by utilizing domestic and overseas networks.

1. Disseminating information on the attractiveness and investment environment of each region in Japan

We provide foreign companies with information on the attractiveness of industries and the investment environment in each region through our Navigation system for investing in Japan’s local regions to support their expansion into the regions.

2. Support for activities to induce foreign/foreign-affiliated companies to utilize regional ecosystems in Japan

In June 2023, we established the “Program to Attract Foreign Companies to Regional Ecosystems” in order to attract foreign companies to the regions and promote international collaboration. The program provides the following supports for those involved in regional ecosystems (local governments, universities and research institutes, local companies, industrial communities, startup ecosystem consortium members, etc.).

Support projects
Project Discription
(1) Global Open Innovation Program (GOI Program) a. Online Business Matching Conduct extensive and cross-sectional business matching between regional companies and foreign/foreign-affiliated companies in each priority industry.
Targeted priority industry sectors are as follows: Fintech, AI, Greentech/Climatetech, and Foodtech.
b. Invitation of foreign companies to regional key industries Invite foreign companies that are expected to establish their bases in the region or lead to collaboration/cooperation in the future, and hold business meetings and events such as seminars and symposiums, in order to contribute to the revitalization and sophistication of the regional ecosystem with a focus on key industries in the region.
c. Individual invitations Invite specific foreign companies that have already been in contact with any party involved and have a high possibility of expanding into the region, and provide support for the inspection of a specific area and preparation for establishing a base.
(2) Industrial tours for foreign-affiliated companies in Japan Conduct industrial tours for foreign-affiliated companies in Japan with a focus on key industrial sectors to observe the region's investment environment and interact with local companies, academia, etc.
(3) Support program for building and enhancing the system to promote the attraction of foreign companies a. Survey on Business Environment Improvement Such as Securing Human Resources
  • Conduct surveys and analyses aimed at improving the business environment from the perspective of attracting foreign companies, focusing on securing human resources, which is one of main challenges for regions to attract foreign investment, including methods to compare a region with competing cities in Japan and abroad in terms of business environment and support measure. The survey results will be shared with those involved in the regional ecosystem, with the aim of contributing to the promotion of investment attraction through the concerted efforts of the stakeholders in the region.
b. Support project for enhancing the attraction of regional ecosystems
  • Assign coordinators for attracting foreign companies in each region of Japan to provide hands-on support for projects that aim to locate in a region in collaboration with the local stakeholders.
  • Provide on-site support for a certain period of time or online trainings by JETRO specialists, industry-specific advisors, etc.
  • Promote sharing of know-how with local stakeholders through these activities.

If you are interested in any of these supports, contact your nearest JETRO local office in Japan.

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