Online Trade Fair Database (J-messe)

J-messe User Registration(Terms of Use)

Terms of Use and Indemnity Related to the Registration of Trade Fairs

  1. Limitation of Trade Fair Information Registerees

    Registration of trade fair related information is limited to organizers of trade fairs and exhibitions, their operating staff members or official agents.

  2. Right to Discontinue or Refuse Services

    We will not publish registered information if it is deemed to apply to any of the following.
    We will also cancel publication if the trade fair or exhibition is deemed, after publication, to apply to any of the following.

    Events for which Registration will be Refused
    • Events with net floor space of less than 1000m2 or with less than 50 exhibitors
    • Events that are held only on-line and are not complementary to or related to any face-to-face events
    • Seminars, lectures and the like
      (If being held in conjunction with a trade fair, please enter the information in the specified column.)
    • Events that are not being held for the purpose of conducting business negotiations
      (e.g. spot sales and bazaars)
    • Fashion shows (Shows attended by buyers may be registered.)
    • By-invitation-only promotional events held by a single company
    • Events which may possibly lend themselves to antisocial behavior
    • Events that may possibly be detrimental to public safety or credibility
    • Events that may violate related laws or official notices
    • Other events which JETRO determines as being inappropriate
  3. Revision or Updating of Trade Fair Information

    If there are any changes to the registered information regarding the trade fair, please promptly revise or update the registered information. You cannot revise or update the information beginning on the day after the end of the trade fair term.
    JETRO may revise or delete information related to trade fairs without notice to the registerees if JETRO determines that there is a need to revise or delete a portion of the registered content.

  4. Limitations on Liabilities and Remedies Related to the Trade Fair Information

    JETRO disclaims all warranties, express or claimed, of any kind related to the content of the trade fair information (information, photographs, data, etc.) registered on this site. It is used at the sole risk of the User (registeree and viewer) and any liability is to be borne by the registeree. The User shall indemnify JETRO from any and all claims and damages resulting from the registered information.

  5. Time until Publication (Public Release)

    In order to provide accurate information related to trade fairs for use in Japan and elsewhere, JETRO may choose to verify the content of the registered information prior to its publication. Please note beforehand that it will therefore take a certain of time for information to be published.

  6. Prohibited Actions

    Registerees may not partake in any of the following or in actions which could possibly be construed as such:

    1. Actions contrary to public order and morality
    2. Actions violating laws
    3. Actions violating the copyrights of other registering companies or third parties
    4. Actions maligning or slandering other registering companies or third parties
    5. Actions causing losses to other registering companies or third parties
    6. Election campaigns or similar actions, or actions violating laws such as the Public Offices Election Law
    7. Actions that impede the administration of JETRO
    8. Sales and marketing activities that are not approved of by JETRO
    9. Other actions that JETRO deems to be inappropriate
  7. Privacy Policy

    Your personal information is treated properly according to JETRO's Privacy Policy.